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Monthly Archives: March 2020

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Coronavirus Pandemic – Temporary Closing the Store


Hello everyone!

Please take notice that, following the most recent orders from the Quebec government, as of today, March 23rd 2020, 13h55, The Blue Gryphon is now closed to the public.

For now, this measure is supposed to last until April 13th.
We will advise from day to day on where we will go and how we will proceed from there.

If anything changes, we will keep you informed here and on our Facebook page.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Please, stay safe, do all you can to remain healthy, and keep following the directives from Health Canada.

See you soon!

The owners of the Blue Gryphon

Categories News, Store

Coronavirus Pandemic – Business Hours


Hello everyone!
We would like to let you all know that we are still, for now, open to the public.

We understand that in the next few weeks, people will be stuck indoors, at home, and will want to have something to keep themselves (and kids!) entertained.

That is the reason why, at the moment, both owners are covering the hours to keep the store open.

However, because of social accountability reasons, we would like to ask that people do not come to the store for the sole purpose of passing time, for a lack of having anything to do.

The best thing we all can do right now is practice social distancing as much as we can, to slow down the speed of propagation.

Thank you for your understanding.

We hope that all will be well, and that we’ll see you again, in good health!

(Should we need to close the store, we will make an announcement here and on Facebook.)